Our flight school offers pilot training courses in Van Nuys, CA. You can get started with our discovery flight lesson and continue to get your pilot certificates.

During your discovery flight lesson you are at the controls and will learn first hand what piloting an aircraft is all about.

The appointment with your FAA certificated instructor includes aircraft flying time (various options available).

Your experienced flight instructor will share his preflight preparations with you and demonstrate a walk around inspection of the aircraft.

Then it's time to take your place in the captain's seat performing checklists to start up and taxi the aircraft on your discovery flight.

After the necessary pre-departure checks you will assist the instructor with the takeoff and you can expect to pretty much do all the controlling of the flight. Your instructor will again assist you with the landing.

You can even bring a guest along on your discovery flight to ride in the back (weight restrictions apply)


16425 Hart Street

Suite 200

Van Nuys, CA 91406

Directions: 405 Freeway North take the Victory Blvd exit and then turn right (West) towards Van Nuys. Take a right (North) on Hayvenhurst and another right on Hart Street. Go to the very end of the Cul-De-Sac and park in the big parking lot. We are behind a security gate, please give us a call when you arrive and we will escort you through the gate. Our office is on the second floor Suite 200.

Our Privacy Policy applies.

Contact us at (818) 769 1503 for reservations or schedule your discovery flight online.